The composting craze has taken the world by storm. From city councils introducing large-scale food composting programs to restaurants sending their food scraps to local farms, it appears that more and more of us are turning our food waste...
While they generally go unseen and we don’t take the time to think about them (until they die, that is), batteries are a big part of our everyday life. They’re in our remote controls, in some cars, and in...
You may have heard about composting, but you might not really understand what it means or it's environmental importance. So what are the basics? Compost is a version of recycling, but instead of recycling aluminum, plastic, or paper, it...
Why do we even need eco-friendly shampoo? It’s no secret that the majority of hair care products on the market aren’t great for people or the planet. Many are filled with harmful ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), parabens,...
Ahhh recycling, the “solution” for many of our damaged or outdated products that has a process that nearly everyone is confused by. Fortunately, responsibly getting rid of old items is easier now than ever before. We’ve done some deep...
We know not to leave the lights on when we leave a room, but here’s another brilliant lightbulb idea: make the switch to eco-friendly lightbulbs! To help illuminate the difference between fluorescent, incandescent, wattage and more, this article will...
Have you ever wondered, what does it mean to go green? If you aren't totally sure, then you've come to the right place. And you aren't the only one, this gets asked a lot! We'll cover the definition of...
Walking through your local supermarket, scanning the aisles for items on your shopping list, a plethora of confusing buzzwords are thrown at you. Organic. Natural. Non-GMO. Gluten-free. Fair trade certified, and the list goes on. Grocery shopping clearly isn’t as...
When it comes to energy, a lot of terms get thrown around that have the word “clean” in them. While clean coal certainly isn’t a reality we’ll see anytime soon, clean energy is. In fact, clean energy is quickly...
Many of us hate laundry day, and it’s likely that our planet would have the same opinions about that mountain of clothes in the hamper.  While the fashion industry is problematic for many reasons, a lot of the impact of...

14 Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Gift Ideas

sustainable gift ideas main
You likely have a friend (or multiple friends!) who are on the eco-friendly train and don’t necessarily want random “things” as gifts. During gift-giving...

Making Small Changes to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

reduce carbon footprint
The reason why my husband Brad and I decided to create the Tamborasi blog was so we could research and communicate ways that everyday...

How To Have A More Sustainable Coffee Habit

making coffee sustainable
Looking to make your daily coffee habit a bit more sustainable? We've got you covered with today's article! I've spent a lot of time researching...

8 Must-Know Tips to Recycle Correctly

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Recycling: One of the most important things we can do to reduce our carbon footprint. We all know that we should be recycling, but...

The Environmental Benefits of Reducing Dairy

Environmental Benefits of Reducing Dairy
When I began writing this article, I initially thought about calling it "Environmental Benefits of Eliminating Dairy." But I know for many people (myself...